• 17 reviews
Open Access Button
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Open Access Button

Unlock the Power of Web Research with the Top Chrome Extension for Students

If you’re frequently conducting academic research or simply looking for reliable reference tools , you've probably encountered paywalls blocking your access to valuable information . Fortunately, there's a top Chrome extension that promises to revolutionize your research process: The Open Access Button.

A Quick Overview of the Open Access Button Chrome Extension

With an impressive aggregate rating of 4.06 out of 5, the Open Access Button is one of the best online study tools designed to help you bypass paywalls legally. By searching through thousands of databases, this Chrome extension delivers instant access to a wealth of information, making it an indispensable study aid.

Why Users Love the Open Access Button

Many users praise the Open Access Button extension for its practicality and potential to save time during research. As one user, David Carlson, notes, "Terrific tool and can be a real life-saver." Similarly, Ross Mounce appreciates its ability to find open access copies of papers, acknowledging that while it may not always work, this is not a fault of the extension.

Understanding the Challenges

Despite the largely positive feedback, some users express dissatisfaction with the Open Access Button. For instance, a user named Liv S criticizes the extension for not providing instant access as claimed. The user also mentions the extension's request for the author's email address, viewing it as an unnecessary and time-consuming step. Others, like Matt M, echo these concerns, noting slow response times.

Addressing the Criticisms

While these criticisms offer opportunities for improvement, it's important to note that the Open Access Button is constantly evolving, with developers keen on fixing bugs and improving user experience. It's also worth noting the extension's core purpose: to promote open data and research transparency. As Jason Priem rightfully points out, "It's great! And finds not just open access, but open data as well."

A Must-Have Chrome Extension for Students and Researchers

In conclusion, the Open Access Button stands as one of the top Chrome extensions for students and researchers alike. While it may have its share of drawbacks, its commitment to providing open, legal access to academic research makes it an invaluable resource in the world of online study tools. So, if you're seeking a study aid that will transform your research process, the Open Access Button is well worth the download.

Instant, legal access to research articles.

Searches thousands of sources quickly.

Eliminates the need for expensive subscriptions.

Easy to use button in Chrome.

Helps to find open access resources.

May not provide access to all articles.

Depends on the availability of open resources.

Occasionally, search results may be limited.

Extension can slow down browser.

Some found search process time-consuming.

17 reviews
8 Reviews For This Extension
Cheng Chang

Dear Author, I regret to inform you that the paywall bypass extension you have developed appears to be non-functional. Despite my initial intention to utilize this extension to bypass paywalls, it has failed to serve its intended purpose. I kindly request that you address this issue and rectify the situation. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, User

Sarah-Jayne Flowers

never works

Liv S

Never works!! When I click on the extension (when I am on my article), it takes you to another page and it says "This article is inaccessible" Then it says: "The author can make this article available to everyone for free - legally. All you need to do is tell us how reading this research would help you!" After dotting a few words down and stating I need this article for research purposes, it then asks me to: "Can you check the article for the author's email address? It'll help us send your message much faster!" So, now this extension wants me to go and find the researchers email address so that they can send my message of request to read the article. There is too much work for this extension and it doesn't even work --- you have to actually to the work and email different people so they can give you access -- not this extension. Don't bother with this. As highlighted on the Overview: "Get the articles you need with the Open Access Button. The next time you can't access the research you need, use the Open Access Button. The Button searches thousands of sources to get you instant, legal access to articles. Yeah, no. It doesn't give you instant, legal access to articles for free. There are loopholes here. Please fix bugs and please fix the open access to all journals.

David Carlson

Terrific tool and can be a real life-saver.

Ross Mounce

It's a button that finds the open access copy of a paper (if there is one). Naturally it won't work all the time, but that's not the fault of this extension...

Matt M

Almost never works, and takes >15 seconds to respond when it does. I'll keep trying it and will revise the score if it improves.

Rusty Goodrick

Does what it says

Jason Priem

It's great! And finds not just open access, but open data as well.

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